MAGIC SPACE SCOPE - Profile with easy to understand headings - full interpretation report for John Major - based on time date and place of birth
Your individual character
You have an energetic approach to life, and a frank and direct approach to others. You can show a great deal of courage and a willingness to plunge into anything without too much hesitation. However, sometimes giving things a little thought before you rush headlong into action would be in order. Being so impulsive, you can also occasionally be blind to the needs and feelings of others.
Your behaviour may be influenced by a deep need for something that's secure and permanent in your home and emotional life. This may be the result of a lack of such material and emotional security in your childhood...or the result of values inherited from your parents.
Your communications with others you will be fiery, impulsive and at times, rather impetuous. You'll pick up quickly on ideas and you can express yourself energetically and forcefully, but perhaps too forcefully at times. Nevertheless, if this impulsiveness can be controlled, your mind will be sharp and penetrating with the ability to communicate directly with a minimum of waffle.
You may need to develop a more objective attitude towards your opinions. That's because you do occasionally have a tendency to identify too strongly with your own thoughts and ideas, regarding a challenge to them as a direct challenge to yourself.
Capacity for love
You have a loyal and steady approach to relationships. You want to feel stable and secure, and will be happy to reciprocate these needs to your partner. Although at times you can appear quite reserved, this masks a deep and passionate nature. You can be strongly jealous of any situation or person that you feel is a threat to your emotional security.
Driving force
You possess a tremendous amount of determination to achieve your goals. There's a great need for personal freedom, which can occasionally lead to unpredictable behaviour.
You're prepared to defend your thoughts and opinions with great force, and regard criticism of your opinions as a personal attack. This will probably lead to conflict until you either stop taking yourself so seriously or learn to respect the opinions of others.
Your attitude toward sex is probably unconventional and detached with a need for a great deal of freedom in your relationships.
Expanding awareness
You' generally have a kind and sensitive nature with warm and generous feelings.
Your religious and philosophical beliefs will be influenced by your emotions and based on what you feel, rather than on any intellectual analysis. your feelings can be subject to constant change and fluctuation, so your beliefs could also tend to be inconstant. Faith in yourself and in life will also be subject to fluctuations according to your mood.
You may place a great deal of emphasis on being pragmatic or practical, and refuse to believe in anything that can't be proven, seen or touched. Or you may occasionally feel intellectually inferior...or a difficulty in communicating with others for fear of sounding foolish.
If you face your fears your new-found confidence will enable you to express the positive side...which is a mind capable of concentrated and persistent study, and the ability to turn the theoretical into reality.
Your intellect and perceptions will be sharp and inventive. Able to rapidly absorb and analyse information, you'll often pick up on details that others overlook. An original and imaginative thinker, you'll possess a flair for communication and writing. However, intellectual restlessness could make it difficult for an idea or project to be followed through to completion. There's always a possibility of surprises or changes in your life, especially with regard to travel, brothers, sisters and neighbours.
1942 - 1957, the post-war generation. The United Nations was formed in an endeavour to establish and maintain peace throughout the world. This was also the time of the unworldly idealism of the hippie generation. They wanted love and peace, but many just found drugs instead. Escapism and opting out of society became a way of life, and still is for many individuals born in this generation.
Forces of change
Between 1939 - 1957, a time when many new countries and nations, and leaders, were created out of previous European empires. This period also marked the beginning of the Second World War and the first destructive use of atomic energy.
Twelve areas in your life
1. Self Identity
Possessing the courage of your convictions, other people's opinions won't matter. Believing in yourself, you tend to attract good fortune and unusual opportunities. Ambitions are geared to large scale goals but beware the tendency to take things for granted and assume that everything will go your way.
Attitudes, emotions and specific needs
You'll generally be seen as kind and sympathetic, the kind of person to whom people can turn to pour out their problems. You'll also be very sensitive to the atmospheres around you....but at times with your naturally receptive nature you may have difficulty in separating your own moods and emotions from those you have picked up from your surroundings.
There is a tension between your emotions and logical common sense. At times, one may be sacrificed at the expense of the other. Also...whilst you're sensitive yourself, you may occasionally express criticism of other people - saying things that cause hurt or offence..often without you realising it. Try not to be so overly critical of others. Perhaps this stems from past experiences where your own deeper feelings were hurt by unfair or unduly harsh criticism.
You're optimistic and positive about your relationships, able to see the best in everybody.
People are attracted by your calmness and openness, and you can often help others with problems. You like honesty and sincerity in others, and strive to maintain these qualities in yourself. You always do your best in whatever you do, believing that if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well, and you have a talent for bringing out the best in others.
Occasionally, you may expect too much emotional care and support from others, over-expectant of their ability or willingness to give you what you need. That's because you're generous yourself...perhaps to a you could be taken advantage of by others.
You have many creative talents, but you need reassurance from someone else to maintain your confidence in your own abilities. However, if you don't make the necessary effort to recognise and develop your own talents, you may try to find someone who'll live out these qualities for you...instead of living your own life yourself...and making your own dreams come true.
You may occasionally have some difficulty in separating reality from fantasy. At times you may even have difficulty in accepting yourself for what you are, even if what others say about you is positive and encouraging. Others may be able to see, and have confidence in, your abilities and talents, but you can be your own biggest doubter since very few people can live up to the perfectionist standards that people like you apply to themselves and to others.
In your dealings with others you like to see the good in everybody. You'll generally overlook, or not even notice, their bad side, and will be willing to forgive almost anything if the explanation sounds reasonable. As a consequence you can occasionally be open to deception, either deliberate or unintentional. You may therefore be disappointed when you finally realise that other people have either let you down or used you. Treat this is a challenge for you to raise your level of self-awareness.
2. Your values, wealth and resources
Being restless, original and rebellious, you need to be seen as an individual with the freedom to make your own choices and your own way in life. You don't like being taken for granted, at times deliberately shocking others with your unpredictable behaviour.
Stamina, assertiveness
You are prepared to work hard to surround yourself with the luxuries of life. You know what you want, and like to do things your own way. What's more...this stubborn insistence usually means that opposition to your way of doing things ends up getting pushed generally win.
In fact, you'll generally fight for the things that you value with a persistence and determination that is second to none...but at times you'll also need to stand aside from the fight..just to properly review the situation...otherwise you may find yourself expending a great deal of energy struggling for something that is no longer appropriate or necessary for you.
3. Communication and the exchange of information
In tune with your environment, you easily pick up on atmospheres around you. And when you intuitively feel that something's going on beneath the surface, you're usually right. Trust your intuitions. Possessing a sensitive ethereal quality, there's also the danger of occasionally being misunderstood or misinterpreted.
Communication skills
You're always ready to learn, and you have a lively, witty and observant intellect. You'll probably have something to say about almost anything, but may have to control a tendency to occasionally express opinions before all the facts are known. You'll enjoy communicating with others...and will generally pay close attention to detail.
You possess an original, active and inventive mind. Being well read, your mind is alert, but you also need the freedom to think things through and reach your own conclusions. You don't like anyone telling you what to do, what to think or what to say.
Because you so often rely on your strong intuition, you're able to grasp difficult concepts easily, or see immediately the solutions to problems that would cause others many hours of head scratching. You have a need to understand yourself and to realise your full potential, and you are eager to stimulate others in the search for a deeper meaning to life.
You can be imaginative and idealistic, but your awareness of many possibilities may make you a dreamer rather than a doer.
You're innately aware that there is a higher dimension to life, and will seek ways of understanding your experiences from a higher or more spiritual perspective. However there's also the danger that you may occasionally be taken in by belief systems or ideals that are completely unrealistic, or open yourself up to outright deception.
There's also the possibility that we seek in others what we're unable to see in ourselves. You may therefore occasionally tend to look to other people or groups to provide you with meaning in your life. This is fine up to a long as you do not surrender your own individuality and your own thoughts and ideas.
You have an analytical mind that is able to penetrate beyond surface appearances. You're therefore suited to any form of research or investigation since you're always wanting to get to the truth of any matter.
You need to find some kind of meaning to life and your experiences and then to communicate the understanding and knowledge gained from your experiences to others. But do beware being too opinionated as at times you'll identify too strongly with what you believe in, and will defend your viewpoint without compromise.
Self expression
There is a need to be heard and to be noticed by those around you. The area of life where we exchange thoughts, ideas and knowledge, it's in these areas, and also through travel that you'll best develop your own thoughts, views and perspective on life. No matter how intelligent or knowledgeable you may seem to others, you'll always feel the need to learn more and to improve your communication skills.
There is a conflict between what you want out of life, and what you emotionally need. You may occasionally be over-demanding of your partner...expecting more than they're able to give. You may find yourself attached to someone with a radically different background or outlook on life to your own, with resulting problems of communication or mutual understanding.
You may occasionally lack objectivity in your thinking, identifying too much with your opinions. Although you like to express your thoughts..your words may not always be backed by the facts, but more of an expression of how you would like things to be. Nevertheless, with more objectivity and tolerance of others' would have a tremendous skill in communicating ideas and concepts to others in a clear and understandable way.
You're generally able to pursue your goals and ambitions with patience, determination and self-discipline. You're aware of your limitations as well as your talents, and you are able to learn from your experiences. You have a burning ambition to succeed in some area, but you realise that success has to be earned if it's to be worthwhile.
Your relationships with colleagues and bosses are generally good. As a result you'll eventually achieve a position of prominence and authority in your chosen career, brought about by competence, efficiency and integrity.
You're something of an individualist. You have a strong and independent will, with a flair for the dramatic. You also have strong opinions which you're not afraid to express, but at the same time you're not dogmatic and don't expect others to agree with you, although your ability to communicate your thoughts clearly will often bring others around to your way of thinking. You're capable of handling responsibility, and carry out your duties with enthusiasm and originality.
At times you may have some difficulty separating fact from fiction. You're a dreamer with high ideals, but you may tend to look to others to make your dreams a reality, and if they fail to do so, you may to feel confused and let down.
Rather than looking to other people to deal with life for you, you need to find your own sense of purpose and direction. Your biggest enemy is your own self-doubt which causes you to underestimate your own abilities, and perhaps turn down opportunities for growth that would have been of great benefit to you.
You'll have a strong desire to make something of yourself, and the determination to succeed in whatever task you set yourself. You would like to bring order out of chaos, and to encourage and teach others to achieve their full potential. You'll be admired by others for your courage and determination in fighting for what you believe to be right. They'll recognise that your arguments are based on a deep insight and a genuine desire to put things right.
You'll also be aware that people's lives are, at times, guided by some higher purpose or power and that even difficult or painful experiences often lead to greater opportunities and personal fulfilment. As a result, you're generally able to weather your own personal crises with the knowledge that it will lead to greater self understanding...and bigger and better success.
4. Early home environment, and conditions during later life
You're cautious and conservative within the home, with much energy being channelled into creating a harmonious family life and a beautiful environment around you. You enjoy entertaining at home. However, finding it difficult to live in an atmosphere of tension and strife, you'll often smooth over problems, even to the point of avoiding conflicts that need to be aired.
Love and what you value most
You have a strong need for harmony and peace in your home surroundings. You'll actually find it difficult to live in an atmosphere of tension and strife, and will generally do anything to smooth over problems, even to the point of avoiding conflicts or problems that need to be discussed. There may be a tendency to lean too heavily on those in your home environment, whether on your partner or immediate family.
You'll probably have a deep need to be the one in control in your relationships, to be the one who calls the shots, and if you attract someone of like mind your relationship could become a constant power battle until one of you decides to call it a day.
If, on the other hand, you attract someone who's prepared to put up with your tendency to dominate and get your own way, you could soon become bored and start to look for someone with a little more fight.
Many of your problems arise from the fact that you don't really know what it is that you want from a relationship. Independence or stability...freedom or security. Trying to find a middle ground won't be easy with your volatile emotions, but that's what you must try to do. You'll also have to be honest with yourself and your partner....and understand what you're both looking for in a relationship.
5. Creativity expressed freely and without inhibition
Being very sensual and romantic, you enjoy love. But lovers have to accept you for who you are, and not what they want you to be. Relationships with children will also provide tremendous satisfaction, fulfilment and pride. Artistic and creative pursuits will attract you but self discipline can be low.
You need to express your creativity in original or unusual ways. You have a restless need to seek new outlets for your creative talents, to show the world that you're an individual who's determined to enjoy life in your own way.
You'll never be satisfied with what you have created, always feeling that it could be improved on, whilst at the same time eager to move on to something new and different. If these needs are frustrated, there's a danger that you'll try to live out your unexpressed creative urges and sense of adventure through your children. Love affairs are subject to sudden beginnings and endings.
Setbacks and where we need to develop patience and discipline
You may occasionally feel inhibited or unable to enjoy yourself spontaneously for fear of looking silly. On the other hand, this insecurity may be over-compensated for by going too far in the other direction.
You may be reluctant to have children, or delay having children for some time. If you're a parent, you may feel that your children restrict you in some way, preventing you from being yourself. The lesson you must learn is to accept responsibility for your own creations, both of mind and body. You may then become a source of authority and strength for your children, and still find time for your own creative expression.
At times during your life you'll have to find a balance between the need for personal freedom and the need for security. At different times you'll tend to express one need and deny the other, but as you develop as an individual you'll learn to integrate freedom and security.
Chaotic or confused conditions annoy you. Even when you make major changes in your life, you still like to hold onto a bit of the old structure for the sense of security that it provides.
You realise that nothing lasts forever. For you, the most enduring possessions are the personal growth and understanding gained from experience, both good and bad. You leave nothing to chance, you plan your goals and objectives carefully, including all the steps and possible pitfalls on the path to their completion. When you set out on a particular path you have the strength of will to reach your goals against all the odds.
6. Working environment, health and the interaction of mind and body
Seeking constant stimulation and variety in work, your career direction may change many times during your life. At some stage you may even hold several jobs at the same time. Nevertheless, being versatile and attentive in organising your work, you feel that any job you take on is worth doing well. However, excessive worry over career matters could cause tension and ill health, as could poor dietary habits.
7. Relationships and what qualities we seek in others
Don't work alone. By co-operating with others, you'll accomplish more. In romance, you'll be attracted to lovers who can satisfy both your physical and intellectual needs. As your emotional needs demand constant stimulation and variety you may have more than one relationship at a time or move very quickly from one love affair to another.
Optimism and understanding
Greater opportunities will come to you by working as part of a team or in a partnership, rather than if you go it alone. A close relationship, or marriage, in which you are both partners in some mutual endeavour, will benefit you greatly. Such a relationship will provide mutual optimism and material wealth, and if you are in tune on a religious or philosophical level so much the better.
Even so, you may at times feel that things are getting a bit claustrophobic. At such times one or the other of you will probably feel the need to break away for a while; which will probably act as a safety valve and prevent the pressure from building up too much.
Secrets, powerful obsessions
There will be times in your life when you'll have to deal with emotions such as jealousy, anger and greed...either your own or another's. There's also a danger of blaming your partner for emotions you would rather not face within yourself.
There may be many battles over who has control in your relationships and through the fear of being dominated, you'll probably try to gain the upper hand first. You will be irresistibly attracted to powerful, influential people who will have a transforming effect on your life. Power in others fascinates you.
You will occasionally be forced to face your deepest fears...sometimes with accompanying emotional pain. You may feel at times that a part of you has died, but the death of an old way of being or feeling usually has to occur in order to make way for something new to grow.
8. Sex, beginnings and endings, joint financial resources and inheritances
Being forceful and proud, you can be incredibly dramatic in sexual matters..and you adore flattery and compliments. Although financial resources will often be merged with others, it will generally be on the understanding that you have total control as you're unlikely to trust others with your hard earned cash.
9. Intuitive mental faculties, travel and higher education
Fascinated by different ideas and concepts, you're always eager to travel and learn. Having a very practical approach to philosophy and religion you'll try to find a belief system that satisfies both the rational and intuitive aspects of your mind. You may also find that in latter years you research, write or talk about esoteric or religious matters.
Uncertainty and idealism
A search for meaning through some kind of religion or philosophy. You have a highly intuitive mind. However, there may be problems with relatives through marriage.
10. Ambitions
Possessing tremendous determination and stamina, you attract power and pursue goals with a great deal of intensity that can't be thwarted by opposition. Once a course of action has been determined, it's difficult for you to back down or admit defeat. Nevertheless, your career and direction in life may undergo several dramatic changes.
11. Hopes and wishes, a sense of belonging
Not interested in superficial relationships, you tend to become intensely involved with friends. Associations with unusual, dynamic individuals, clubs or secret societies may also bring dramatic changes into your life. Beware manipulation, rivalry or power struggles.
12. Forces and powers that are beyond your control
Searching for a deeper meaning to life, mystical and religious matters will attract you. Feeling a genuine sympathy for those in need, you'll want to help in any way you can. Other people's opinions won't matter - your inner strength lies within the courage of your convictions.